
Thursday, November 3, 2011

An Impending Attack?

Since the start of this year, things have been rather messy, though in most parts of the world, but precisely talking about this region – the Middle East.

This year has seen deaths, leading to violent protests and boisterous demonstrations, that led to some more deaths and then a change and then a few more deaths, for good measure. It has been that sort of a year, where a brewing lava has erupted on the streets and burnt away those who have tried to resist or block that change. Some good examples who have tried to resist unsuccessfully are Ben-Ali, Hosni Mubarak and the late Muammar Gaddafi, while there have been “Presidents” like Bashar Al-Assad who have continously, if not successfully, kept the protestors, demanding for a change, at bay.

Apart from this, the world has also witnessed a financial and economic protests in different cities of US as well as in Europe. The protest did attract attention of people, but with media under tight control of the same people who have spun this economic downturn, it failed to get the required coverage.

However, the year is almost at its end but there seems to be no let up at all in developments and this time around, we are anticipating an unprecedented attack on a victim, by an aggressor.

Allow us to explain.

The Iranian Nuclear Development has got negative coverage from every possible angle in the world media. We believe little that, like US says, the Iranians are a threat to the existence of Israel and that the Iranians are going to use their nuclear missiles on Israel. For the last 10 years, US have blurted out one lie after another, due to which we call this the “Decade of Lies”.

In fact, the world now seems to be waiting for a report by the UN's nuclear watchdog that will be circulated next week, that the US-UK-Israel seems to waiting even more anxiously, because the report will provide fresh evidence of a possible Iranian nuclear weapons programme. The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be the latest report, in a series of quarterly bulletins on Iran's activities. However, this one is said to contain extraordinary level of detail on research and experiments carried out in Iran in recent years, which the western officials allege could only be for the design and development of a nuclear warhead.

This has led to fresh concerns in the region and all over the world of an impending attack on Iran, in the near future -  possibly, as near as this month. Reports of New York Times, posted on Saturday, states that the US has looked to beef up its presence in the Persian Gulf, after exiting Iraq which by schedule is due to happen by this year end. The report states:

“With an eye on the threat of a belligerent Iran, the (Obama) administration is also seeking to expand military ties with the six nations in the Gulf Cooperation Council – Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman. While the United States has close bilateral military relationships with each, the administration and the military are trying to foster a new “security architecture” for the Persian Gulf that would integrate air and naval patrols and missile defense.”

The pretext to do this is to allow the US and its troops to respond to a collapse of security in Iraq, after their exit, or a military confrontation with Iran. At this stage, we suspect the latter looks more imminent.

With the US boosting its presence in the region, after their exit from Iraq, another report from The Guardian suggests that the UK seems to be preparing for a military action on Iran, citing the yet-to-be-released IAEA report on Iran's programme as a “game-changer” that will convince the US Administration to launch a massive war.

The Britain military planners have been found to be evaluating their resources as to where to best deploy Royal Navy Ships and submarines equipped with Tomahawk missiles as part of what would be an air and sea campaign. Moreover, these preparations are for an attack under the assumption that they will join in on the war, once Israel and US launch their attack.

While Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, along with his Defense Minister Ehud Barak, has sort to convince their cabinet to launch an unilateral attack on Iran's nuclear reactor, before the start of the winter. On the other side, Israel has been vigorously testing its missile capabilities, or more precisely speaking, test-firing its missile capable of reaching Iran. A few days ago, Isreal has successfully test-fired a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to strike Iran, further evidence of agitating a military attack on Tehran's atomic facilities. Last week, Israel Air Force (IAF) had successfully completed their lengthy joint-exercise with the Italian Air Force, covering “maneuvers like distant-strikes, long-range missions and every possible scenarios”. Though the joint-exercise was claimed to be as “biennial routine” but the unnamed Lt.-Col, commanding IAF Squadron said:

“The pilots flew in unfamiliar skies, which allowed them to deal with things they don't normally encounter. If we want to be prepared for war, we have to train in unfamiliar terrain.

Though there are reports coming from US that they are making every possible effort to fend off the unilateral attack idea of Israel - through further stringent sanctions on Iran - fearing massive repercussions of it in the region, it is quite evident from other reports that US and UK, with Israel, are gearing up for a military confrontation with Iran.

The timing of all this couldn't had been more precise, with almost all developments in Israel and in the Persian Gulf coinciding with the IAEA report to be published on Iran's programme. Though this was always predictable, but if this is to happen with Iran, then be advised – we could be the next target, any time. Start your preparations because the end is very near.

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